People On Board
Let me introduce you to my onboard crew. “Board” being also intended as “plank”, part of a “wooden fence” delimiting a boundary (I see it as a thin line), or just the “interior of a ship”, if you will. I enjoy these limitations, not the rules; I choose the content over the container. Inside this space, within this very line, I am pleased to host Francesca Arquint, Maurizio Castelli, Simone Rossi and Teatro del Vino.
Francesca Arquint follows me in any aftercare activity within the cellar. We taste the wines together and have fun watching them grow, year after year. Replacing Giulio Gambelli would have seemed impossible to me. Not only he had great competence and professionalism, but he knew how to create healthy relationships with both people and wines. Francesca and I have known each other for many many years, she is a great friend of mine. Professionally speaking, she is very knowledgeable, serious and nice, with an extraordinary sense of smell and a very refined palate. I trust her, I confide in her and I entrust my wines to her. I really like her relationship with me and my wines: she is simple, straightforward and extremely respectful, never forcing anything, always doing her part in the best possible manner, yet still having fun along the way.
As a well-known, important and influential professional, Maurizio Castelli needs no real introduction. The first time I phoned him for an appointment, I was definitely in awe. On the day we first met, I immediately enjoyed his great confidence and competence, but I was struck by his way of doing above all. He was sympathetic and sincere. He spoke a few words that say a lot, and most importantly, he was enthusiastic about helping me out. He pays attention to any fear or desire with great sensitivity, and he truly values people, creating healthy, multi-layered relationships. Dr Castelli leads a group of young people with whom he collaborates, and I do believe that his refined ability to “feel” must have also bee crucial in the choice of the person he tasked with joining me, Simone Rossi.
Simone Rossi is really good at what he does; he loves his job and knows how to do it with the peculiar passion of his own. From the first time we met, he has always been simple, lively, helpful and solid. He is truly knowledgeable, always attentive to anything that can possibly happen in the vineyard, and constantly engaged in long conversations with Gianni to find the best solution for the jobs that need to be done. He never gives up, even in the most difficult situations. Eventually, he always manages to smoothen every obstacle, even those that would seem insurmountable at first. I like his competence and truly enjoy walking around the vineyard with him, talking about the latest news as we stroll among the rows, discussing possible interventions, projects and a little bit of everything, while he continues to carefully observe his beloved vines.
TEATRO DEL VINO is our exclusive distributor for Italy. I find the reference to theatre within the wine context to be a beautiful and poetic choice. After all, serving and enjoying a good wine is some sort of portrayal, a seductive pleasure, a serious game.
”The purpose of the theatre is to entertain. Bertold Brecht
Leonardo (laughter, style and frankness), Mario (solidity, wit and refinement) and Luca (determination, irony and elegance) have at least the same passion for their work that I have for making wine. I love the way they have been able to balance their professional growth with the ability to maintain direct human relationships and a healthy curiosity about people and wines. They play their part wonderfully, with synergy and confidence, harmony and trust.
”True connoisseurs don't drink wine. They taste secrets Salvator Dalì